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Who Murdered the Maid?

A transgende maid is killed. But does any of the guests caer?

MA:Film Production, Production Design Grad Film

Director: Wendy Wong

Producer: Alex Li

Me: Production Designer

WMTM (GH Gran Via, Fulham, Whistler, Bog


My graduation film was the final film of my time at the Arts University Bournemouth studying MA: Film production specializing in Production Design. The culmination of 6 months of research, planning and execution it is the most challenging film and project i have ever done. Especially with a 32ft x 32ft set, two camera teams, singing, dancing and a starting budget of only £1000.

1940s America, the vicious murder of a hotel maid, Cassie Pelletier leaves an ineffective detective, Anthony Hardy to solve the crime. Struggling to get to the bottom of the mystery, hampered by the unreliable singing suspects, Gunter Kalbfleisch and Lola White, and their ridiculous stories . A hilarious satirical sing-o-commentary on modern discrimination, does anyone care for Cassie Pelletier?

Taking on a musical as a student production was a big challenge. The addition of music, choreography, dancers, sound recording for music and the increased budget that comes with a musical were all challenges we relished. not to mention how all of this effects the set and production design.

As a founding member of the idea behind the story along with the Editor, Producer and Director i took on more roles than just a production designer. I also helped write the initial story that influenced the script and screen play, created and ran the Kickstarter campaign with raised us £8000 (See link above), bought and managed all props, oversaw hair, makeup and costume to convey the 1940's style and crucially built the set.

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